Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival

Oklahoma’s International Bluegrass Festival has been bringing great bluegrass, traditional, western swing, Americana & other music to Guthrie, a historic town in the heart of Central Oklahoma, since 1997. Originally founded by renowned fiddle player Byron Berline the festival is now an homage to his musical legacy.

BRIEF: As a selected artist for the Poster Art in 2023, we wanted to bring the legacy of Byron into the artwork and pay respect to the tradition of bluegrass for over 25 years, while also attracting a new younger generation to the festival. Our goal was to create sellable merchandise and festival assets that would reach both the old-timers and newcomers of the music scene.

RESULTS: The festival had it's record attendance rate in 2023 as well as a complete sell-out of merchandise of over 500 shirts.

SCOPE: Poster Art, Merchandise Design / Coordination, Social Media Graphics


Above Ground Packaging Design